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1st Example

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 Right back-court (RB) attacker Lidija Horvat (184 cm, number 13) is in possession of the ball. Both wings are positioned in the corners of the playing court. Simultaneously with the pass from RB to CB, line player (L) Vesna Milanovic Litre (180 cm, number 20) runs from the left side into the middle. 
Centre back-court (CB) attacker Miranda Tatari (174 cm, number 2) crosses and passes the ball to the line player.
 Line player passes the ball to RB and continues her movement in the SWE defence formation
 From a distance of approx. 10 metres, RB shoots at the goal. In the meantime number 2 moves in LB position and left back-court (LB) attacker Andrea Penezic (186 cm, number 15) runs in CB position to be ready to receive a prospective pass. Both wings keep their corner positions at all times.