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2019 Men’s World Championship 2019 Men’s World Championship
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Zones Africa
Zone - 1  
Algeria ALG
Libya   LBA
Morocco           MAR
Tunisia TUN

Zone - 1  
Cap Verde CPV
Gambia GAM
Guinea Bissau  GBS
Guinea GUI
Mali MLI
Mauritania MRI
Senegal SEN
Sierra Leone SLE
Zone - 3  
Benin BEN
Burkina Fase   BUR
Ghana GHA
Liberia LBR
Niger   NIG
Nigeria NGR
Togo TOG


Zones Africa
Zone - 4  
Cameroon CMR
Central Africa CAF
Congo CGO
Gabon GAB
Democratic Republic Congo COD
Sao Tome STP

Zone - 5  
Burundi BDI
Djibouti                                      DJI
Egypt EGY
Ethiopia ETH
Kenya KEN
Rwanda RWA
Somalia SOM
Sudan SUD
Tanzania TAN
Uganda UGA
Zone - 6  
Angola                                    ANG
Lesotho LES
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
South Africa RSA
Zambia ZAM
Zimabwe ZIM

Zone - 7  
Comoros COM
Madagascar MAD
Maurituis MAR
Seychelles SEY