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Rules Questions

Due to the latest updates to the Guidelines and Interpretations of the IHF Rules of the Game (valid as of 1 July 2018), the IHF Catalogue of Rules Questions has been adapted with effect from June 2019. Most of the questions remain unchanged. Some of them have been rephrased, and the answers have been adapted accordingly. In addition, several new questions have been added. Please note that all questions have at least one correct answer. However, some questions may have more than one correct answer.


There have been two small corrections in the English answer list. Please check your version of the answer list to see if you are using the latest version of the document. It should include the following items:

4.38)      a, b, d   (4:6, 16:3a)
4.58)      a, d       (4:7, 4:9, Guidelines)

If it does not include these items, please download the answer list again.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best sporting regards,
IHF Game and Rules Development Working Group