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Open defense formations of the korea team

The team from KOREA is using very often different variants of extraordinary open defense formations. We offer two examples. First is in the majority situation (6 to 5) during the match against China and second in numerical balance (6 to 6) in the match against Croatia.

 The Formation 1+0:5

One defender covers personally the line player and another five defenders have basic position around free throw line. All defenders are operating very flexible both in deep and in side and they are changing as needed the principle of territorial and close personally defense.   

The ball is by RB from CRO. Three defenders (fore left - FL, fore middle - FM, fore right - FR) have "telescopic" position against all opponents back field players. The back middle defender (BM) by the goal keeper area line covers the line attacker with the help of defender responsible for the zone of opponent in left wing function (BR). On opposite side the BL guard the opponent in right wing function.
LBall is by MB. The three fore defenders are moving in the ball direction. The BM defender follows the line players to free throw line. The BR defender is now oriented on LW.
Ball was coming to LB which is close covered by FR. The BM follows along the free throw line the movement of line player with some help of FL. The BR increases the activity against LW.

LB is trying to break through. The FM helps by FR. The BM continues to follow the movement of line player and the FL is moving in middle direction to help by crucial situation. Both outer defenders are moving more inside. 

The FL advantages the difficulties of LB by the pass to MB and obtains the ball. The FL is going in fast break followed with two team mates. The Croatia team was evidently not prepared of such kind of defense. Korea gained by the start of match six goals in six minutes (half time score was 20:12) and scored by fast break totally nine goals. 


The Formation 0:5+1

Five defending players have basic position around the free throw line and one defender take personally one of opponents back field player