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Element of surprise when passive play is imminent

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Quarter-final of ESP-GER, 25: 22
Spain managed to gradually improve with the tournament in progress and was able to call up its best performance up to that point at a crucial moment. 
During attack in numerical inferiority you could observe quite interesting attack concepts, such as running behind an offensively acting defence in numerical superiority. However, if the referees show the forewarning signal for passive play, the major part of youth teams still lack patience and routine to carefully prepare a concerted finish.
The picture row provides a suitable example of Spain’s attack in numerical inferiority in its match against Germany. Just before the referees indicating passive play the team, starting with a free-throw, executes combined moves aiming at a diagonal pass through the goal area to put a back court player who is jumping into the goal area into a perfect shooting position. The picture row proves that the concept was successful. 
Free-throw execution when passive play is imminent (5 against 6): The centre back feeds the right wing, who catches the ball within a close range while running to the wing.  The right wing attacks the gap between the outside defender and the half defender while the centre back without the ball is running to the inside. 
The right wing moves towards the gap in order to tie up the outside defender.  The right wing feeds the left wing, who is standing in the far corner (not on the picture).
The left wing is standing free to jump into the goal area.  It is apparent that the left wing does not intend shooting at the goal but playing a long diagonal pass to the right side. 


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Kempa trick: feeding the back court player on the right back-court position who prepares for a jump (not on the picture). The back court player jumps into the goal area to catch the ball in mid-air
The goalkeeper tries to cover the left side of the goal …  … however, the Spanish back court player manages to catch the ball in mid-air, to score and thus to obtain a 13:9 lead in numerical inferiority.