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Ruben Garabaya


Name :   Ruben Garabaya
Poste :   Pivot
Born on :   15/09/1978 in Aviles
Country:   Spain


Sporting achievements:

 World Champion 2005, 3rd place at Olympic Games 2008, 2nd place at ECh 2006.

His playing style always seems a bit awkward, but it’s successful, and it’s the success that matters in the end. As the pivot makes effective use of his height (2.01 m), he has become one of the pillars of the Spanish team in attack and defence.

Nevertheless, his career in the national team started quite late, which was maybe also due to the fact that the right-hander didn’t always play for the biggest clubs in the Spanish Liga Asobal and was therefore less in the spotlight than other pivots.

Garabaya however has some references, such as CF Barcelona, Leon and Valladolid.