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Pascal Hens

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Name :   Pascal Hens
Poste :   Back
Born on :   26/03/1980 in Daun
Country:   Germany


Sporting achievements:

Sporting achievements: World Champion 2007, 2nd place at WCh 2003, European Champion 2004, 2nd place at ECh 2002, 2nd place at Olympic Games 2004

The man with the Mohican haircut has already won many titles during his sports career – except for one: he has not yet become German Champion. The right-hander transferred from Wallau-Massenheim to Hamburg. The powerful thrower who is very tall (2.03 m) is married and has a son who was born in summer 2010. It’s hard to imagine the national team without Hens, as he’s one of the most experienced players in the team.