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Seimei Gamou

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“ We are small, but aggressive”

Interview with the Japanese ambassador for Sweden 2011 Seimei Gamou


Do you believe that the World Championship in Sweden will be a real highlight for international 


Seimei Gamou: I am sure it will be.


What do you expect from host Sweden in terms of sports and organization?

Seimei Gamou: I expect a good environment for all players to concentrate on their performance on the court.


What are your expectations concerning the performance of your team in Sweden?

Seimei Gamou: The Japanese team aims to proceed to the Main Round. Even though Japanese players are relatively small, they will play aggressively with their speed.


Which teams do you rate main contenders for the World Championship title?

Seimei Gamou: One of the European teams. It is very difficult to forecast the winner since they are almost the same in their competitiveness.


Which players might become the big stars in Sweden?

Seimei Gamou: I cannot specify who might become a big star. However, if young stars emerge from this stage, they will brighten up this Championship a lot.