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Zone VII –Mauritius, Saint Louis 18-24 Januar10

Preliminary Round
Date No. Match Results HT
19.01.2010. W1 COM-SEY 23:14 14:04
  W2 MRI-MAD 09:25 04:12
  M3 COM-SEY 17:27 11:11 
  M4 MRI-MAD 37:25  12:10 
20.01.2010 W5 MRI-COM 15:21 06:12
  W6 SEY-MAD 07:35 15:14
  M7 MRI-COM 34:29 10:17
  M8 SEY-MAD 22:27 10:17
21.01.2010 W9 SEY-MRI 27:32 13:16
  W10 MAD-COM 21:12 10:09
  M11 SEY-MRI 24:33 11:19
  M12 MAD-COM 32:28 12:10

Placement Match
Date No. Match Results HT
23.01.2010. Place 4-3W SEY-MRI 18:25 09:13
  Place 4-3M COM-SEY 24:29 13:13
  Place 1-2W MAD-COM 20:13 10:06 
  Place 2-1M MRI-MAD 32:28  12:10 


1. MAD

2. COM

3. MRI

4. SEY


1. MRI

2. MAD

3. SEY

4. COM