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Men's Junior World Championships

Previous Men's Junior World Champions 

Year - Country World champion  Information
 2015 - Brazil    FRA  Details
2013 - Bosnia-Herzegovina  SWE  Details
2011 - Greece  GER  Details
2009 - Egypt   GER  Details
2007 - MKD   SWE  Details
2005 - Hungary  DEN  Statistics
2003 - Brazil  SWE   Details
2001 - Switzerland  RUS   Details
1999 - Qatar  DEN  Details
1997 - Turkey   DEN  Details
1995 - Argentina  RUS  Details
1993 - Egypt  EGY  Details 
1991 - Greece  YUG  Details 
1989 - Spain  URS  Details 
1987 - Yugoslavia  YUG  Details 
1985 - Italy  URS  Details 
1983 - Finland  URS  Details 
1981 - Portugal  YUG  Details 
1979 - Denmark / Sweden  URS  Details 
1977 - Sweden  URS  Details