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Date: 7/5/2017

MRI 2017 (Women’s) — Group B: Netherlands, Brazil, Chinese Taipei and Togo






There is no doubt that the Dutch women are firm candidates in the run for the 2017 World Championship trophy. After winning the 2016 Women’s European U16 Beach Handball Championship in Portugal, only days ago they defended the title at the U17 continental tournament. Last year they won the final 2:0 versus Spain, while this time they defeated Portugal by the same result.


The coaching staff led by Harald Mulder understands that every player is important for the team, and that’s where they find their best; in the commitment to each other. In fact, six of the players who won gold this year are new to the team.


Will this talented Netherlands team be able to hang another gold medal around their necks in Mauritius?




“The big dream we all have is taking part in the Youth Olympic Games with Brazil,” says head coach Rossana Seabra Marques. To accomplish that goal, the runners-up at the 2017 Pan American Championship will have to improve: “At the Pan Am we played well but we left a lot to be desired in key moments of the game.”


In preparation for Mauritius 2017, they will meet in Mogi Mirim city in order to work out all the aspects of the game. “With 15 days of strong training sessions we may be able to give a surprise and meet our expectations. We will fight until the end and who knows, we may bring a medal home,” she completed.


Chinese Taipei


Chinese Taipei were the third and last Asian team to qualify for Mauritius 2017 in the women’s competition. Their 2:0 win versus Hong Kong was the key for their bronze medal. To secure a spot at the 2018 Youth Olympics they have to progress and rank among the best two Asian sides.


“They are fast and difficult to defend,” thinks Rossana Seabra Marques, Brazil’s trainer.




Ina Metseko, Togo’s trainer for both the men’s and women’s team, knows that their Mauritius 2017 group is not an easy one. But anything can happen: “It’s difficult, but this is beach handball.”


The African side play an international beach handball tournament in the first week of July, looking for their best shape right before the World Championship.


IHF Website & Social Media:

For a complete coverage of the 2017 IHF U17 Women’s Beach Handball World Championship stay tuned to our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channels.

