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Date: 5/15/2018

The Olympic Solidarity course in Faisalabad, Pakistan finished on Monday after a successful week with 37 coaches, teachers and other participants interested in improving their knowledge of handball coaching. The course, run by IHF Lecturer Alireza Habibi, was held over seven days from May 7 to 14 with the support of the Pakistan Handball Federation.


The Olympic Solidarity initiative was introduced by the International Olympic Committee with the goal of assisting nations in need with developing their coaches, athletes and sports administrators.


As such, the course in Pakistan covered a range of topics for coaches, both theoretical and practical, beginning with basic steps such as warm-up, enjoyable games and group work activities, handball techniques and skills, and fair play on the opening days. Following the introductory stage of the course, the participants learned about specific aspects of handball, including individual attacking tactics, different defensive systems, and foot work.


The final days of the course addressed talent identification, goalkeeping, the Rules of the Game as updated in 2016 and situations with numerical superiority. All participants completed a practical examination on the second-to-last day.


“We would like to thank IOC, Olympic Solidarity, IHF and NOC, Pakistan for giving opportunity to PHF for organizing IOC, OS Technical course for coaches in Handball at Faisalabad, Pakistan,” said Sohaib Shafiq of the Pakistan Handball Federation.


“About 37 coaches from all affiliated units of PHF attended this course and took a very keen interest. Mr Alireza Habibi, [the] IHF expert, did his job as lecturer very dedicatedly and participants were enjoying in every respect.”


