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Date: 9/15/2017

In view of the upcoming Women’s World Championship in Germany in December 2017 the International Handball Federation and the German Handball Federation (DHB) organise a three-day seminar for referees to prepare for this important event.


The seminar, which is held from 15 to 17 September 2017, includes theoretical and practical sessions as well as tests to examine if the referees are prepared to take on the task of officiating World Championship matches.


After the first rules and video tests supervised by the IHF Playing Rules and Referees Commission on 15 September, IHF Referees Fitness Coordinator Alejandro Vaquera lectures the referees on physical training of handball referees: stretching, recovery, using of devices, heart rate monitoring, nutrition etc.


On the second day, the referees first have to undergo the Shuttle Run test before a general and individual referee training. In the afternoon, particular attention is put on the progressive line while whistling. Mental coach Dr Christian Heiss will lecture the referees, followed by team building activities.


Passive play, attacker fouls and clarifications of special situations are on the agenda of the last day which will close with a session on how to prepare for Germany 2017.


For the five couples officiating their first matches at an IHF senior World Championship, these days are of particular importance but for everyone participating it is a good opportunity to improve their skills, educate themselves and develop their team spirit.

