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Match ANG – HKG 18 July 2010

Running in without ball from the Preliminary Round Match ANG – HKG 18 July 2010

Contrary to many of the teams, Hong Kong prefers a 3:3 defense. An appropriate form of attack against this offensive formation is running in without ball, following a play shift.
The team from Angola did exactly this, and managed to provoke defense mistakes over and over again.

The right back-court player runs in without the ball into the central latitude simultaneously with the pass from the centre-back court player to left back player.
Left back player starts a dynamic 1:1 movement in direction midfield, as centre-back player makes a room opening move in direction of the now free right back position.
Left back-court player has passed her opponent and has now tied up the next defender. This results in an outnumbering on the right attacking flank.

Centre-back court player receives the ball on the right back-court player position – and together with right wing they only have the engaged wing defender against them.
Angolas pivot does not act correct according to the rules: she blocks her opponent players’ way to the player in possession of the ball with wide legs and by using her arms

Centre-back player can pass the ball to the right wing player coming from the corner. Right wing player can jump in increasing the angle....
....and successfully finishes.