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Date: 8/26/2015

Brazilian goalkeeper Rangel Rosa has had a busy summer having played 16 games for his country in two continents in less than five weeks.

On Sunday 19 July Rosa took to the court in Uberaba, Brazil as his nation narrowly beat Japan 31:30 in the opening match of the IHF Men’s Junior World Championship and six games later they claimed a 10th place finish.

32 days after that Japan victory, on 20th August, Rosa then saw his Brazil side finish eighth at the IHF Men’s Youth World Championship in Russia after they lost 26:23 against Denmark in the 7/8 placement match in Ekaterinburg.

He spoke with IHF.info after Brazil confirmed that finish in Russia.

IHF.info: How do you feel now Russia 2015 has just finished for you?

Rangel Rosa: We were disappointed at the end of the Norway match to lose in the shoot-out of course, particularly with some small things in the second half, but all the team are OK and we reached the best position we ever had [in this competition].

We all had a focus since the beginning of this tournament and even more in the eighth-finals but in the quarter-finals (against Iceland) we had a lack of experience to draw level in the game, so we could not continue going through to the semi-finals.

IHF.info: Was the 28:26 victory over Russia in the Eighth-Finals the highlight for you at Russia 2015?

Rangel Rosa: It was the highlight of the tournament for us, for sure. Everybody was like warriors at the beginning of the match; you could see it in all of our eyes - everybody wanted to win.

This was the key point for us in the tournament; even though we lost in the quarter-finals we have proved we are a major team now for the next events.

We had a great union and self-confidence and with this we could really act together as a team otherwise we could not have gone anywhere.

IHF.info: In Brazil you took part in seven games, faced 195 shots and played for 5hrs 24 minutes. In Russia you took part in nine games, faced 256 shots and played for 6hrs and 57 minutes, so 16 games, 451 shots and 12hr 21minutes of handball in total - what have you learnt?

Rangel Rosa: I have learnt that I am very exhausted (laughs)! Seriously, though I learnt a lot of patterns of shooting and different standards which were totally different to what I am used to in Brazil and Pan America.

This is the crucial thing for me; I can now understand the patterns of shooting, of movement and of behaviour of the offensive players of the top teams in Europe.

IHF.info: What would you say has been the main difference between the U19 and U21 age groups?

Rangel Rosa: The U21 players are really more clever than the U19 players, plus the strength and speed of the shooting is totally different - these are the two main differences.

Also the U21 players are more of a ‘team’ together, as they have been together longer. They behave more as a team and not so much individually like they behave in the youth.

IHF.info: You have played club handball for Sao Caetano and many other Brazilian players have come through the club, including Eduarda Amorim - the female World Handball Player of the Year 2014. What is the secret to Sao Caetano handball?

Rangel Rosa: The coach of Sao Caetano (Washington Silva Nunes) is also the assistant coach of the Brazilian men’s national team. He also works at the training camps and has helped develop young players, playing them with the other teams around Sao Paulo, who have the best teams in Brazil.

This gives them a good background and supports them to develop and further their careers.

IHF.info: What will you do now?

Rangel Rosa: I will spend a week at home in Brazil resting and then go to Spain to join up with my new team Villa de Aranda ahead of the new Spanish Asobal season which starts in September.
