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José Hombrados


Name :   José Hombrados
Poste :   Goalkeeper
Born on :   07/04/1972 in Madrid
Country:   Spain


Sporting achievements:


World Champion 2005, 3rd place at Olympic Games 1996 and 2008, 2nd place at ECh 1996 and 2006, Champions League Winner with three different clubs,

He is an experienced player par excellence. He’s approaching forty and has played an important role in world handball for one and a half decades. When José Hombrados won his first international medal in Atlanta in 1996, Cristian Ugalde García, his current teammate from the national team, had just spent his first school years. Hombrados contributed to almost all Spanish successes – with the exception of Sydney 2000, when the Spanish team once again won the bronze medal. The goalkeeper of BM Ciudad Real experienced ups (WCh 2005), but also downs (when they were knocked out in the Preliminary Round in 2009), and in the late autumn of his sports career, he wants to make up for the “humiliation” his team suffered in Croatia.