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Date: 7/28/2011

Placement match for the 9th place


Norway – Portugal 37:41 (13:19)

Norway without any chance

The placement match for the ninth place in the final ranking of this Junior World Championship between Norway and Portugal was a clear matter. The team from the Iberian Peninsula won this match with 41:37 and palyed even better than the end result shows. The decision was made in the end of the first half and in the beginning of the second period of this match, when Portugal built up the lead from 18:13 to 22:13. Norway did not recover from this setback, although the Scandinavian team caught up in the closing phase of this match. The victory of the Portuguese team, who had their best shooter in Gilberto Duarte (seven goals), was highly diserved, while Norway remained below their potential during this entire World Championship. Best Shooter of the match was the Norwegian player Kent Toenesen, who scored eight times.






Placement match for the 11th place


Brasil – Iran 22:21 (13:9)

Iran woke up too late

The placement match for the eleventh place in the final ranking of this Junior World Championship seemed to be a clear issue for three quarters of the game. At least Brasil won with 22:21, but after a significant lead, the team of South America had suddenly to fear for their win in the closing phase of the match. The team of Iran had the better start and was leading 8:6 after the first 19 minutes. But the match turned Brasil scored five times in a row (13:8) and went on to a18:10 lead after 41 minutes. The match seemed to be pre-decided. But in the last 17 minutes of the match Brasil only scored three times and Iran caught up to 21:22 twelve seconds before the end of the match. Nevertheless it was too late for a draw and Brasil made it to place eleven. Best scorer of the match was – once again – Sajad Esteki, who scored seven goals for the Iranian team.





Placement match for the 13th place


Russia – Algeria 28:24 (13:9)

Russia without bigger problems

In the placement match for the thirteenth place in the final ranking of this Junior World Championship Russia did a very good job in their match against Algeria and won deserved with 28:24. Right from the start the Russian team was the better one and headed for a 4:0 lead in the first minutes of the placement match. During the entire 60 minutes the North African team tried to get more closer to their competitors’ score, but the Russians successfully resisted all attacks and defended their lead. As a logical consequence, Russia won in the end. The best Russian shooter was Sergey Zhedik, who scored six times. Best scorer of the match was the Algerian Anis Zamoum with seven goals.

